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James V. Lacy

Obama’s thugs

     "We know. Does Janice?" is the threatening ending to a letter I received at my office on Monday. Addressed to me from Mr. G. Loves Areoff at 325 N. Maple Dr., Beverly Hills, CA, and typed on patriotic stationary, the letter serves me warning:  "[i]n response to your involvement with, we have taken the liberty to do some research on you as a patriot……"  "Your ego allows you to feel you can live a certain hypocritical lifestyle.  We’re not refering to your weight or that you may take a stiff drink or a cigar.  It’s the women, James…."  "We know.  Does Janice?"  Attached is a complete copy of the letter.

     Janice, of course, is my wife and law partner.  A couple weeks ago, I soberly had her name tatooed on my arm in Las Vegas as a complete surprise for our 21st wedding anniversary (she liked it!).  We are faithful spouses.

     I’ve been threatened before in politics.  Most significantly when I was an elected official.  But not often, and never in connection with my family.  My friend, brainy San Diego based consultant and researcher Jim Sills, checked on Mr. Areoff’s return address for me, and it turns out he lives somewhere in a shopping mall, exactly where, we don’t know, since the address is shared by a number of retail stores.

     There was a great Republican Congressman years ago from north San Diego County named Clair Burgener.  He was a solid conservative and a fighter in the years that Republicans were in the permanent minority in Congress.  Clair passed away at 84 just a couple years ago.  I recall attending a conservative conference in San Diego in the late 70s and heard him advise the crowd of young activists: "Politics should be fun.   If it stops being fun, get out of it."  Dana Rohrabacher has a similar line.

     There are a couple ways to look at this political trash from Obama’s thugs.  One way is to get hot-and-bothered and draw up a list of all the laws the letter violates, call the FBI and send out a press release.  I thought about that.  The other way is to just out it for the incredible stupidity it is and have a laugh.  I can tell you, Mr. G. Loves Areoff, your research on my marriage is not much better than Dan Rather’s in the last Presidential election, and I have a tat to prove it!  In the meantime, I will continue work on