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Jon Fleischman

State GOP Blasts Galgiani For Endorsing Sales Tax Increase

Democrat Cathleen Galgiani just announced that she would support Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed multi-billion dollar tax increase that is included in what we here at the FlashReport call his "Capitulation Budget" — but I am happy to report that the State GOP has blasted Galgiani for breaking her promise to voters not to support tax increases!


Is There A Tax Increase Cathleen Galgiani Won’t Support? 
Central Valley Democrat Breaks Campaign Promise…AGAIN

Just weeks after breaking her campaign promise to never vote for a tax increase, Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani (D- Livingston) announced today that she supports yet another tax increase!

Galgiani, who promised voters when running for office that she would never support a tax increase, put out a press release today proclaiming her support for increasing taxes on California’s hardworking families.  

Increasing taxes would hurt Central Valley working families especially hard.  According to an analysis by the California Board of Equalization, the tax increase Galgiani supports could lead to the loss of up to 58,000 jobs in California.  

When Galgiani had the chance to vote on the Republican budget proposal, which fully funds education, protects public safety and doesn’t raise taxes, she voted "NO."

Last month, Galgiani voted in favor of a $6.8 billion tax increase on small businesses and many California taxpayers.

As many families are having trouble affording everyday necessities and unemployment continues to rise, Galgiani’s support for increasing the state sales tax is simply reckless.  

Cathleen Galgiani’s campaign slogan was "The Strength of Values."  Now we know what "values" she was talking about: raising taxes and breaking campaign promises.

That’s not strength, that’s just irresponsible.       

Galgiani Promises Never To Raises Taxes
"You opened your doors to me.  You answered my calls.  You said hello at church or wherever we met during my campaign.  The best way for me to express my thanks it to keep my promises – I’ll never raise your taxes or cut your schools.  I’ll make public safety my top priority and I’ll work really hard to represent you." (Galgiani Campaign Website, Accessed: 7/24/08, 1:48 pm)

Galgiani Votes In Favor Of AB 1781 – Includes $9.7 Billion In New Taxes
(California State Assembly, AB 1781 – 8/17/08 Floor Vote, Accessed 9/11/08)  

Tax Increase Would Result In 58,000 Lost Jobs
"According to the analysis, it also could result in a loss in business investment of $660 million and some 58,000 lost jobs. The job loss was not detailed, but the analysis suggested that the pass-through of added costs to consumers would affect purchasing levels and cut into retail jobs." (John Howard, "Job Loss, Business Impacts Seen In Proposed Sales Tax Hike," Capitol Weekly, 8/5/08)