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Mike Spence

Arcadia, Illegal Immigration and Sarah Palin

Except for a good immigration plank in the platform, we don’t her much about immigration at the RNC Convention.

In Arcadia, the city council unanimously voted Tuesday to draft language that could be inserted into city contracts that allows them to ask for documentation of employee status.

And Democrats think that city officials like Sarah Palin don’t deal with these kinds of issues. They do, especially when the federal government won’t.

That’s the point to being on city council. Make decisions. Tell that to the Democrats.

One Response to “Arcadia, Illegal Immigration and Sarah Palin”

  1. Says:

    “…a GOOD immigration plank in the Platform” at the Convention? Not! Anti-Invasion Republicans on the Committee were outgunned by RINOs led by that p.o.s. Haley Barbour, Bush’s old buddy. They got nothing on Birthright Citizenship and the entire Illegal Immigration issue was watered down as it always is. That they got anything against Amnesty is amazing, but remember how Clinton said “It depends what the definition of ‘is’ is”! McCain, if elected, might use that same ruse regarding the signing of the first Amnesty bill coming out of Congress in Feb or March next year. And anyway, a platform and a plank are only symbols. They don’t mean a thing unless the GOP leaders abide by them, and most of them never have.