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Meredith Turney

Busy Schedule for CA Delegation

It’s been non-stop action for the California Delegation since Saturday evening here in St. Paul. The convention has scaled back out of respect for the crisis on the Gulf Coast; and it’s entirely appropriate to focus our nation’s attention on the trials of our fellow citizens at this time. But now that the imminent danger has passed, delegates are also taking care of the important business of nominating the team we believe is best qualified to lead our nation for the next four years. 

Jon and Jill have posted about some of their experiences already—and with so much taking place at a national political convention, there’s a lot to cover. Yesterday the delegation heard from former Governor Pete Wilson who delivered a stirring speech about the socialist policies of Barack Obama. What few of Obama’s acolytes fail to understand is that for all his charisma and teleprompter-eloquence, the junior senator from Illinois wants to be President of the United States, not president of the West Wing television show. 

We also heard a moving presentation from American hero Captain Jerry Coffee, a Vietnam War prisoner. His compelling story about 7 years in a Vietnamese prison camp reiterated just how much courage our soldiers possess—including the fortitude of his fellow prisoner John McCain.

This morning the delegation had the great pleasure of a presentation from Fox News Channel’s Frank Luntz. With great humor and killer wit, Luntz explained to the assembled delegates the importance of refining our message this campaign season. Luntz is renowned for his ability to use “words that work” and his recommendation for Republicans this year is that we focus on accountability and wisdom. These two terms highlight the Republican ticket’s strengths and the Democrat ticket’s weaknesses. Luntz even engaged in an impromptu mock debate with CA Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring, who did a great job staying on message and infusing some of his own humor into the exchange.

Radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt then addressed the delegates and described the unprecedented response he’s receiving on his show to Governor Sarah Palin’s joining the ticket. Although he rarely does so, Hewitt said he’s been taking calls exclusively from women just to hear their perspective. He said the response has been phenomenal.  Average voters are ecstatic about “one of our own” representing our values on a national platform. We’re certainly looking forward to Palin’s address to the convention and rumor has it that Palin is penning her own speech.

This evening it looks like the convention will hear from Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator Fred Thompson, and via satellite, President Bush. Make sure to watch Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s speech this evening—she’s a rising star in the party.

As for personal highlights of the convention so far, I’m a huge Colbert Report and Daily Show fan and I got to meet correspondent Jason Jones yesterday on Radio Row. He’s just as charming in person as he appears on television. 

IMG00200.jpg Meredith and Jason Jones picture by repubgirl1

One Response to “Busy Schedule for CA Delegation”

  1. Says:

    Apparently Stewart and McCain are friends. Hey wouldn’t it be cool to see McCain challenge Stewart or Colbert to an arm wrestling match? Then he taunts either of them by calling them a pussy for refusing to accept. Offering a cabinet position if he looses. Then joke about how this is how his VP pick was decided, followed by a comment about if Schwarzenegger had won we would have had a real problem. End all old, and lack of vetting jokes.