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Jon Fleischman

Laird in Denver

Demonstrating a complete lack of engagement in what should be a hands-on negotiating process towards a state budget, John Laird, the Chairman of the Assembly Budget Committee is partying up in Denver.

I guess Laird figures, as an ultra-liberal, that he is not going to support more cuts — I’m sure he’s ready to fly home to vote for a tax hike (don’t worry, there aren’t votes for one).

If Laird wants to avoid being booed in Denver, he’d best keep it quiet that he is, “that nut from California that wants to massively increase taxes on beer…

2 Responses to “Laird in Denver”

  1. Says:

    If the 26 Assembly Democrats along with Laird that goes to Denver and it leaves 22 Democrats that stays in Sacramento, then the 32 Republicans can put together a budget and ass it off to the State Senate.

    Remember it takes 41 members to conduct a quorum. The Assembly Republicans only need 9 Democrats to do the “People’s” work in California.

    Too much of a stretch?

  2. Says:

    Oops…correction, I meant “Pass”…sorry for the error back up there. (I am blushing here).