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Mike Spence

SB 1407: Ron George’s Revenue Bond Revised And Alive

SB 1407 was revised. This is Ron George’s Judicial Council and liberals trying to go around the people with a revenue bond to build more courthouses. The fees fall on those that really don’t burden the court system. They unjustly fall on motorists, which is why AAA opposes the bill.

Well, the bill got a little worse in the last session of the Assembly as Democrats ammended the bill to say that once the $10 billion in bonds are paid off the fees don’t go lower they go to on going operating costs.

That’s right it’s about dinging the little guy to finance the operations for unnecessary lawsuits and rewarding courts that aren’t even open nights and weekends.

SB 1407: More debt without voter approval, more bureaucrats without accountability. Hooray.