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Jill Buck

Sacramento Superstar Contest

On Tuesday I took my interns to Sacramento to meet with policy advocates from Cal Chamber and various legislators. Thanks to the help of Chris Finarelli in Assemblyman Huff’s office(thx, Chris!!!), the day was the perfect opportunity for my interns to see their state government up close and personal. While we were in town, we learned some interesting factoids, and I thought I would share some of these with all of you in the form of a contest. The first person to name all the Sacramento Superstars correctly gets a prize pack of goodies!. You’ll get an official Go Green t-shirt…lovz it…a Go Green coffee mug…when what you drink is sew hott…and a Go Green eraser…very handy during deficit budget dayz.

So, here’s the quiz. See if you can name the lobbyist or the legislator who fits this description…

  1. This legislator serves as the head of the E3 caucus. (You get a bonus point if you know what the E3 caucus is.)
  2. This lobbyist probably works with CBIA on a number of issues.
  3. This legislator thinks we should follow the example of the French. (You get a bonus point if you can explain why).
  4. This lobbyist is a farmer’s best friend in Sacramento.
  5. This legislator graduated from USC and is running for Senate.
  6. This lobbyist helps put the “eco”nomics in climate change policy discussions.
  7. This legislator introduced a bill which would require the CA Building Standards Commission (BSC) to develop a Green Building Program – great idea! – but Assemblywoman Loni Hancock wouldn’t let it out of committee – thought she was green?

Alright, folks, first person to answer all the questions correctly wins the prize pack. Good luck!

One Response to “Sacramento Superstar Contest”

  1. Says:

    After receiving several emails crying ‘uncle’ on this, I’m amending the rules.

    If you don’t know all the answers, but know some of them, go ahead and answer.

    The prize goes to the person with the most correct answers…or the person with the funniest guesses! (: