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Jon Fleischman

Sunday Sessions

Apparently the Senate and Assembly will meet this Sunday to vote on a budget bill, ostensibly before the official cut-off provided by the Secretary of State for placing items on the November ballot (it is pretty well accepted that this is a loosy-goosy deadline). Near as I can tell, this will be a pomp and circumstance drill as I have not heard anything coming out of State Senate President Don "The Golden Pig" Perata to indicate that Democrats are willing to put up a package palatable to any Republicans (not even the so called "in play" GOPers in the Senate Republican Caucus). So the Kabuki dance will continue.

This is a good opportunity, though, to counsel all GOP legislators, though especially certain ones in the Senate, to refer calls and inquiries about their interest in voting for a budget to the office of their respective leaders.  Budget politics for the Republican Party this year is a team sport.  We will ultimately get the best budget for Californians if no Republicans "go up" on a budget until both caucuses are satisfied that they have achieved the best possible outcome.

I think that there used to be a "Rule of 8" last year in the Senate Republican Caucus?  Do they have one now?  We should really get that back into play.  That informal policy embodies the kind of team-thinking that will serve us best as a party.