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Jon Fleischman

HJTA’s Jon Coupal – Governor’s Position on Pay Cuts is Legally Sound

We are pleased to present this guest commentary from Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Governor’s Position on Pay Cuts is Legally Sound
By Jon Coupal

California’s budget stalemate reflects a political war which has many fronts, a myriad of combatants and an endless series of battles. The battle du jour involves the Governor’s executive order laying off thousands of temporary state workers and reducing the pay
— to federal minimum wage level — of even more full time state workers.

The Controller, John Chiang, has said he will defy the Governor’s order as it relates to the reduction of pay for full time workers.
In so doing, Chiang is ignoring fairly clear California law which, in fact, vests the power to reduce salaries in the Executive Branch.

**There is more – click the link**

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