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Duane Dichiara

Today’s Commentary: Republican Party Must Endure Reformation

As much as my friends in the GOP may wish that they can stop time, or even reverse time by 30 years, the likelihood of this occurring is slight. In my personal day to day interaction with time I’ve found it to be a one way street. Further, I’ve found that, as much as I would not like this to be the case in many instances, human culture, which includes our own society, changes and evolve as we move along in time.

I make this observation as a preface to a statement which will draw some degree of anger but which I’ve wanted to write for some time: Ronald Reagan and the politics of the 1980’s are not the answers to the doldrums in which we Republicans now find ourselves. Political parties, like society, either evolve, innovate, and change according to the needs of voters, or they stagnate, look backwards, wither and die.

There is an argument to be made that the Republican Party has collapsed for two essential reasons:

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Republican Party Must Endure Reformation”

  1. Says:

    “Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for — because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.”

    ATTRIBUTION: PETER MARSHALL, Senate chaplain, prayer offered at the opening of the session, April 18, 1947.—Prayers Offered by the Chaplain, the Rev. Peter Marshall … 1947–1948, p. 20 (1949). Senate Doc. 80–170.

  2. Says:

    Duane – a courageous, thoughtful and provocative post (should have been the golden pen and should be reposted for Monday when more will read it).

    I agree that we’ve become stale and are in need of an update – and I have no idea what the previous comment means in this context. WE must define where we stand, WE must infuse our party with new passion… then, let’s do a better job building the toolbox (i.e. county party and grassroots organization support) needed to win…

    Congrats again on a truly original and thoughtful post…

  3. Says:

    The previous comment has no hidden meaning. It means “I agree.” It means “what he said.” It means what you said, too, pretty much. Except for that business about the toolbox and the capital letters, those are all yours.

  4. Says:

    Duane. Great article and very pertinent. The perception that many people, including some current or former Republicans, have of the Party is that we are politicians who have no morals or integrity, are in it to line our pockets, and who have no interest in reducing the size of government or increasing personal liberty, despite what we say.

    Just the opposite of what we stand for. I don’t think we need to reform our Party or our beliefs, we need to reform our candidates. We can talk all we want about smaller government, honesty and integrity, lower taxes and personal liberty, but if we don’t “walk the talk” it doesn’t matter what we say.

    We need Republican candidates who are honest, who can communicate our message and who will follow through by their actions and their votes to show that they stand for our principles. Too many Republicans have compromised their personal integrity once in office, and too many have abandoned our principles. No wonder our brand has been tarnished. The Principles that we stand for are still valid. We should be the party of reform. We should be the party who will bring liberty to the people through limited government and lower taxes. We have failed in our mission.

  5. Says:

    Here, Here! Nice commentary, Duane.

    We are guaranteed the same results if we continue the same actions. Guaranteed.

    I commented on Rahm Emmanuel’s strategy here in the Flashreport Blog after the Dem’s took control of Congress two years ago. It was a strategy for a revolution that succeeded; however the leadership doesn’t appear to be ready to define where it is leading.

    Similar to Republican’s last 15 years. We organized, mobilized, took the hill, then forgot about changing it.

    Revolution for the sake of revolution is destructive – and tiring. We need to define what we’ll do and somehow monitor our progress in doing it.

  6. Says:

    Stop the codeworded intolerance (“family values”), and vet candidates so that they are not perceived to have a religious bias. Shut up about ‘choice’ since it’s moot.

    In 6-8 years you’ll start gaining some ground again and may even pick up a statewide office or two.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA