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Mike Spence

Idaho Cell Phone Law Helps California’s Economy

Last weekend I was in Idaho for the sale of the farm my dad grew up on. It is located 40 minutes outside of Boise. As soon as I arrived my cell phone rang. I looked around. I share hands free cell phone issues that Curt Hagman wrote about earlier.

What do I do?

Wait. I’m in Idaho. A state somewhat freer than Arnold’s California. I can answer the phone directly. Turns out it was small business proposition. It would require me to make a few calls. Needless to say I did it all the way to my Dad’s hometown. I even took a weekend call from my boss. (Joel Anderson is always making sure I’m working Saturdays for him too.)

In California I could never have done that. I wouldn’t have had the time. Beacuse Idaho doesn’t have a nanny state like ban on talking on my cell phone, I earned a little cash and oh yes California will get more that their fair share of it.

Others talk about debating to answer the phone or taking their eyes of the road to look for cops.

Nanny State laws have unintended consequences. The cell-phone ban in California is hurting productivity. People aren’t conducting business like they could. Time is being wasted and money and tax revenue lost. 

No distraction there.