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Jon Fleischman

Updated McCain California Delegation List

Back in January, when the McCain campaign was going around soliciting supporters to serve as potential delegates to a Republican Convention nearly 8 months, and a competitive primary later, it was a challenge, I’m sure.  Especially since back then, McCain was not on the top of the polls.

As the rubber now meets the road, and those who agreed to be submitted as delegates have to actually figure out of they can go (you know, take a week of off work, and come up with a bunch of money for lodging, delegation fees, etcetra), there have been plenty of changes and substitutions from the original list of delegates and alternates.

Attached you will find (as a .pdf file) an updated list (as of 7/11) of California’s McCain Delegation* to the Republican National Convention.

Senator Ackerman – we see you’ve made the list.  If the Democrats in Sacramento are willing to accept more significant cuts in state spending, perhaps you’ll even get to go!

* Mitt Romney won a few districts, and so in those CD’s, they are former Romney delegates, presumably now pledged to John McCain, the nominee.