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Brandon Powers

Dean Andal Getting Noticed as a “Serious Threat” to Pick Up Congressional Seat

Last week, the Rothenberg Political Report noted that Freshman California Democrat Jerry McNerney is among the most likely Congressmen in the Country to lose their seat this November. That’s something we’ve known here in California since McNerney lucked his way into the seat in 06, but it’s nice to see that the national pundits are taking note of it too.

California’s 11th District, Jerry McNerney (D). Freshman McNerney rode the Democratic wave and help from the environmental community to beat Republican Rep. Richard Pombo two years ago, but he isn’t an ideal fit for his Republican- leaning district. The GOP nominee, former state Assemblyman Dean Andal, looks to be a serious threat.

One Response to “Dean Andal Getting Noticed as a “Serious Threat” to Pick Up Congressional Seat”

  1. Says:

    The fact that Andal is being called a “serious threat” rather then the presumptive winner is tad bit frightening.

    Thankfully there aren’t too many “battleground” seats in California, which means we can concentrate what money and grassroots pull we have to take back this seat.