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Meredith Turney

Senator Jack Scott “Stomped in Effigy”

Just when you think nanny government can’t get any more intrusive, Senator Jack Scott introduces an asinine bill like SB 1499. This ridiculous bill will make it a crime to sell metallic balloons in California. A staple of parties and celebrations, the balloons are apparently the cause of periodic power outages when they get loose and become entangled in electrical wires. So to prevent such inconveniences, Senator Scott wants to ban the balloons in California.

Los Angeles radio talk show hosts John and Ken are some of the most vocal opponents against nanny government bills and, as you can imagine, they are vehemently opposed to SB 1499. To express their disgust for SB 1499, they decided to use an effective tactic that Rush Limbaugh calls “showing absurdity by being absurd.”  Instead of utilizing the old political protest tactic of “burning in effigy,” the radio hosts sponsored a Jack Scott “stomping in effigy” last week. 

jscott2.jpg jack scott picture by Capresource balloon.jpg Balloon protest picture by Capresource

As you can see in the pictures, a creepy balloon effigy of Senator Scott was brought to a local rally against SB 1499. As the radio hosts broadcast their show live, children were invited to “stomp” the Senator Scott effigy in protest of his taking away their balloons. Only an absurd bill like SB 1499 could give rise to such an absurd (and unique) protest…

One Response to “Senator Jack Scott “Stomped in Effigy””

  1. Says:

    It’s a sad commentary when the most effective spokesman (or spokeshole in J & K speak) for the Republican agenda in CA is not even a registered Rep.