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Jon Fleischman

RNC California Delegation Staff

It seems like I should add, from my first post, by adding that there are quite a few folks at the delation meeting who were supporter other candidates than John McCain.  In a few instances you have some Romney delegation who represent the handful of House District that the former Massachussetts Governor carried — but much more so is a lot of outreach done by the McCain campaign to include supporters of former candidates Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney (I’m still looking around for an official Ron Paul supporters that is now on the delegation).

Who is making everything happen for the delegation?

The delegation staff is as follows (thus far):

  • Kathy Tavoularis, Executive Director
  • Hector Barajas, Communications Director
  • Charles Moran, Media Director (he’s an FR friend, so we’re looking for special treatment)
  • Anthony Kuo, Executive Assistant
  • Martin Paine, Transportation Coordinator
  • Christina Tatevossian-Clendenin, Delegate Services Coordinator
  • Jame Clark, Finance Consultant
  • Julie Vallante, Housing Coordinator
  • Janine Eggers, Major Gifts Coordinator

Assisting (in a big way) with logistics for the delegation are consultants Joe Weber and (of course) Don Willet.