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Jon Fleischman

Recall back on? Perata transfers $110k into Recall Denham Committee

This time of the political season, we are all following the late-contribution reports to see where the money is flowing — and a lot of it has been moving around — millions.

Nary lost amongst the other activity was this transfer of $110,000 from "Leadership California" (Lame-Duck Senate President Don Perata’s PAC) to the "We Deserve Better; Yes on the Recall of Jeff Denham" PAC.

Given Perata’s public pronouncements recently that he was pulling the plug on any attempt to recall Denham, this transfer raises serious questions.  In addition, the pro-recall committee still has yet to return several six figure contributions sent in by labor unions in recent days.

So it begs the question – is the recall back on?

Senator Denham, of course, hasn’t let up from campaigning against this petty political recall instigated by Perata in one of his frequent "I am four years old" moments.  But if the funds don’t get sent back to the unions soon, if Perata doesn’t explain his transfer quickly, than any statewide GOP efforts to fend off the recall had best be reactivated.

Perata is one of a kind.  Thank goodness for term limits.  California will certainly be a better place when he is OUT of the legislature all together.