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Jon Fleischman

John Fund: Reagan’s Radio Days Returning

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary…

Re-Airing Ronald Reagan

It’s been two decades since Ronald Reagan left office and so many young people under 30 have little or no understanding of him or what he represented.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation hopes to remedy that by producing a series of two-minute radio retrospectives featuring excerpts from the over 1,000 commentaries Reagan did in the 1970s between his years as governor and president. Those radio commentaries, published in annotated form recently, have played no small role in forcing even liberals to have a second look and give the Gipper his due as a thinker and writer. Additional broadcasts will use portions of Reagan’s Saturday radio addresses as president.

Harry O’Connor, the original producer of what was called "Reagan Radio," is working with the Foundation to produce the commentaries. Peter Hannaford, who wrote some of the commentaries that Reagan himself did not pen, will provide an introduction to each segment. Each one, while non-partisan in nature, will address an issue such as taxes, terrorism, abortion and the economy and in Mr. O’Connor’s words "establish the connection between the classic radio addresses and contemporary issues."

— John Fund