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Jon Fleischman

Bass’ Vote Already In The Bag (with “silent support” from Republicans) – Sigh

My column of yesterday where I urge Republicans in the Assembly to nominate and vote for Mike Villines as Speaker came about as I had some discussions with some well-heeled Capitol types about the upcoming vote (today) for Speaker. 

Well, I just got off of the phone with Assemblyman Mike Duvall, who called to whomever you call about such things, and he was told there IS NO VOTE TODAY on Karen Bass’ becoming the next Speaker.  Duvall was told that such a vote had taken place already (I remember that Democrats caucused and chose Bass as their Speaker-designate, but I did not recall a floor session with a ratification of that selection by the full Assembly).

So I went back and looked at some articles from late February — and sure enough, on Thursday, February 29, the Sacramento Bee reported that the previous day, Bass had been elected Speaker WITH NO DISSENTERS.

So the good news for some, and the missed opportunity for 32 Assembly Republicans is that apparently there will be no vote today.

So all of my friends in the Assembly Republican Caucus can feel good knowing that they continued a senseless tradition by not putting up a Republican candidate for Speaker, again!

As Republicans, we have everything to lose and nothing to gain by this kind of "nicey-nice" with the Democrats on MAJOR ISSUES such as WHO IS GOING TO BE SPEAKER.

We are the MINORITY PARTY.  The ONLY way that a minority party becomes the MAJORITY party is by waging an all-out contrast campaign ALL OF THE TIME. 

Maybe they will have a vote again today, but I doubt it.  I guess the next best thing would be an op ed, signed by 32 Assembly Republicans (I would be happy to publish it here) making the case for why Mike Villines would be a much better Speaker than Karen Bass.

Villines is a great Republican Leader, and would be an awesome Speaker, wouldn’t he?  Why aren’t we proud enough to cast our votes for him?

I hope that all of this discussion prompts Assembly Republicans to consider how they handle one of the most symbolic and important  votes of each session.

In the meantime, no complaining about Bass, fellow GOPers.  You cast a de facto vote for her by not speaking out and registering your opposition.

P.S.  Every Republican who talks to the press today should say, "While not our first choice — we think a Republican would do a better job as Speaker — we look forward to working with Bass and our Democrat colleagues to address the serious issues facing California."

2 Responses to “Bass’ Vote Already In The Bag (with “silent support” from Republicans) – Sigh”

  1. Says:

    Mr. Fleischman:

    Readers can see the official vote choosing Ms. Bass as Speaker-elect in
    the pages of the official “Assembly Daily Journal” for Feb. 28, 2008. Here
    is the link.
    [The vote is on page 8]

    State Senate candidate Mimi Walters answered the quorum call at the start
    of that session, per the Journal. Ms. Bass was then elected by “voice vote”
    with no recorded opposition.

  2. Says:

    “…Mr. Villines, I am just as committed to working with you and your team. I want to continue and maintain the high level of civility that has been a hallmark of Speaker Nunez’s tenure. I want the urgency of our cause to be matched by the unity in our commitment. The weight of history is not just on my shoulders. As we all move forward, it should be with the understanding that a society will be judged on the way it cares for its people.” — Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, 5/13/08