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Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Poll Shows Hunter with Massive Lead in 52nd Congressional

A huge thanks to Adam Day of Sycuan for sending the attached survey results and memo along.  Some excerpts…

Survey Shows Duncan D. Hunter with Comfortable Lead In 52nd Congressional District Republican Primary Race

El Cajon, CA (May 12, 2008) – In a survey of 400 registered voters in the 52nd Congressional district, Duncan D. Hunter, son of current Congressman Duncan Hunter, enjoys a substantial lead over other candidates in the race with 79% voter support.

Sycuan frequently conducts public opinion polling on a wide range of regional issues and election topics and shares the results with the public. This survey of voters in the 52nd Congressional District, where Sycuan is located, also asked voters about key issues in the race.  Winning the War on Terror and illegal immigration were the top priorities for voters in this congressional race.

A summary of the survey results from Dr. Richard Maullin of Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates is attached.

According to our recent survey, Duncan D. Hunter holds a massive lead over the field seeking the Republican nomination in the 52nd Congressional District. Currently, Hunter receives nearly 80 percent of the vote, while no other candidate exceeds six percent, as shown below.

Duncan D. Hunter – 79%
Brian Jones – 6%
Bob Watkins – 2%
Rick Powell – 2%
Undecided – 11%

Additionally, three-fourths of voters are aware that the Duncan Hunter on the ballot is, in fact, the son of the incumbent Congressman with the same name. While voters are clear on who the candidate is, the residual name identification from his father is a tremendous advantage. When voters were asked whether they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Duncan Hunter, 83 percent said they had a favorable opinion, while only five percent said they had an unfavorable opinion. In fact, the percentage of voters who said they had a “very favorable” opinion of Hunter – 59 percent – is more than the total name identification of each of the other four candidates in the field. Hunter possesses a level of popularity and support from voters that is not likely to be overcome by a field of little-known opponents.

One Response to “Breaking News: Poll Shows Hunter with Massive Lead in 52nd Congressional”

  1. Says:

    The U-T is up with the story…