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Jon Fleischman

The Fight Against the Denham Recall – An Update From The Ground – A Call For Help


Date: May 6, 2008
To: Jon Fleischman/The FlashReport
From: John Franklin, Campaign Manager
RE:  Grassroots Turnout Impressive – But Important Days Ahead

Jon, thanks for asking for an update for FlashReport readers on how things are going here at the political epicenter of Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata’s petulant attempt to recall Republican State Senator Jeff Denham.

First let me share with you that the energy level and excitement here on the anti-recall campaign is very high – and I have been very impressed with the amount of grassroots support that we have had here, both from local supporters of the Senator, as well as from concerned citizens all around California who see this effort by Perata for what it is – political maneuvering, as the Senator himself put it, to make it easier to raise taxes…

This past weekend, we conducted out third precinct walk operation. We’ve walked precincts in each of the major cities in the district now, and the response has been fantastic. Just this last weekend alone, more than three dozen volunteers turned out to visit with voters in Stanislaus and Monterey counties. Senator Denham and Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill were pleased at the turnout, but this coming weekend, the 10th and 11th will probably be the most important weekend yet.

Absentee ballots are already in the mail, and the need to personally visit with those voters while they are voting their ballots is essential. Volunteer participation from around the state has been good so far, but much, much more is needed in order ensure that Republicans preserve the ability to hold the line on new tax and spending increases in the state.

Democrats are planning to use paid union walkers by the thousands to push hard Democrat households to vote in this election. Friends of Jeff Denham Against the Recall can’t afford to compete with those tactics, so we need volunteers from around the state to come to Modesto any weekend between now and May 31 – June 3, with emphasis on that final weekend.

Jon, the campaign has some limited funds to use to help volunteer groups with travel. Please share with FR readers that any interested volunteers should call the campaign at (209) 338-0288 or visit for more information.

I know that there are dozens of legislative primaries taking place around California right now, and that many people are very involved in those.  I just want to remind everyone that in the June primary, there is only one area where we have Democrats trying to unseat an incumbent Republican – and that is here in the 12th Senate District.  With the help of activists from around California, as well as those here in the district, we can stave off this crass political effort, and stand united as Republicans going into a budget battle where we need to hold the line against any new tax increases.  Senator Denham is anxious to help lead in that fight.

I’ll send another update to you after this weekend, to let you know how it goes.