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Meredith Turney

Club for Growth Launches New TV Ad in 4th CD

With Doug Ose pounding the TV airwaves with millions of dollars of ads, the Tom McClintock for Congress campaign needed some reinforcements from fellow conservatives. Well, the Club for Growth has just announced that they are launching their own TV ad to introduce/reiterate Ose’s liberal tax-and-spend voting record in Congress.

According to Club for Growth’s press release, “the ad seeks to educate voters about Doug Ose’s liberal record when he served in Congress. Ose is currently running millions of dollars in ads but he is leaving out the most important pieces of the puzzle, including his votes to waste billions of tax dollars on wasteful pork projects. These projects include The Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Texas, peanut competitiveness, and an indoor rainforest in Iowa. Ose also voted for a Democrat budget and huge new entitlement spending—votes he conveniently neglects to mention in his own ads.” I’ve also heard similar Club for Growth radio ads on local talk show stations.

Another ad was launched over the weekend, this from the local Placer County Republican Party. Featuring Republican YouTube star Bryan Barton, the online video takes a humorous look at Ose’s own carpetbagging into the 4th CD. It’s interesting that the Placer GOP would pay for such an ad less than a week after the CRP publicly chastised local central committees for making endorsements in contested primary races. **Viewers should be aware that there is coarse language in the video.**

One Response to “Club for Growth Launches New TV Ad in 4th CD”

  1. Says:

    Publisher’s Note – The authors of the second video above have apparently pulled their video out of the public domain. We’ll see if they bring it back…