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Jon Fleischman

Mullen wants “bad” students to lose driving privileges…

You really have to wonder what goes through the heads of extreme liberals like California State Assemblyman Gene Mullen, who was selected by Speaker Fabian Nunez as Chairman of the Education Committee.  The San Francisco Democrat is carrying legislation that would tie a high school students “privilege” to drive a car to their performance in school.

Earth to Assemblyman Mullen:  This is AMERICA.  In this country, we believe in liberty and freedom.  To be more specific, your legislation goes down the path of taking responsibility away from parents for the behavior of their children, and instead presumes that the “state” has the role of manipulating student behavior.

Look, I understand that Mullen is from San Francisco, which in many respects is a laboratory of left wing loony-ism.  But hopefully Mullen understands that his proposed legislation is the kind of thing we would have expected in the old Soviet Union.  

When we refer to the Nanny State, we are talking about an ongoing trend to move responsibilities which should be in the hands of individuals and families, and shift that responsibility to the government.  It’s a horrible trend, and it goes against the very reason why America was founded…

3 Responses to “Mullen wants “bad” students to lose driving privileges…”

  1. Says:

    Gene Mullen is from South San Francisco, San Mateo County, not San Francisco. We have our own liberals in the assembly, kiddie porn protector Mark Leno and nanny state believer Fiona Ma. I ran against Fiona last cycle. She’s a really good person who, unfortunately, is very misguided politically.

  2. Says:

    I find it more disappointing that Jean Fuller has a bill (AB 2414, I believe) that essentially does the same thing.

    Always surprising when otherwise good members come up with some pretty bad ideas.

  3. Says:

    I was a student when Assemblyman Mullin was a teacher at South San Francisco High School….And I have to tell you, the South City High parking lot would be pretty empty if Mullin’s bill became law.

    Mr. Mullin – You would be hurting our hometown with this idea