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Matt Rexroad

Nestande Doesn’t Pay Taxes

This spot will be up on cable in AD 64 in a few days.

It discusses the public record of Assembly candidate Brian Nestande.

I am working for businesswoman Kelly McCarty.

2 Responses to “Nestande Doesn’t Pay Taxes”

  1. Says:

    Whereas the ad appears to be a good representation of the facts (meaning it does not appear misleading or sensational) I can’t help but think it is a bit on the boring side. There might be too much information conveyed in this ad.

    Another smaller problem I see relates to the mention of a tax lien on the candidate’s property. I of course do not know the specifics of this lien but would venture to say that a politician that has had difficulty paying his bills while running a political campaign is most certainly not enriching himself on the backs of his contributors.

    These are just a few suggestions being made from by experienced outsider. I have nothing on Max when it comes to overall political experience, but I am a keen observer of what goes on both inside and outside of political campaigns and hope my observations are appreciated.

  2. Says:

    Well Matt, I don’t know Brian, but if he donates to Feinstein that’s fair game.