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Meredith Turney

Lieber Reintroduces Spanking Ban Bill

Some legislators just don’t learn. Assemblywoman Sally Lieber has reintroduced her bill that will ban parents from spanking their children, AB 2943. You may recall that last session Lieber introduced identical legislation, AB 755. The bill received national media attention and California became the butt of many jokes for being so out-of-touch. Parents nationwide were rightfully outraged by the arrogance of one California lawmaker inserting herself into family discipline.

In fact, Lieber has no children herself and reportedly was inspired to author her bill after a visit to her cat’s veterinarian’s office. Apparently a discussion with the vet about how bad it is to strike a cat or dog led Lieber to the logical conclusion that children should not be struck either. This, despite the fact Lieber has no personal experience raising well-mannered children herself; and in spite of thousands of years of history that prove children need parental reproof in order to become healthy, productive members of society.

Capitol Resource Family Impact has the following poll question on our web site: Should spanking your children be banned in California?

Fellow Californians, prepare yourselves to become the butt of jokes once again. And like last year, let’s once again “spank” AB 2943 and protect parental rights in our state.

One Response to “Lieber Reintroduces Spanking Ban Bill”

  1. Says:

    Perhaps we can get the bill amended to also prohibit adult-on-adult spanking. This should allow us to rally the San Francisco liberal delegation to our cause, and perhaps defeat the bill.