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Jon Fleischman


Placer County GOP Files Complaint against Ose for Failing to Disclose Contributions

Roseville— The Placer County Republican Central Committee Thursday filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission in Washington D.C. alleging that Doug Ose’s Campaign for Congress distributed a direct mail piece that violated federal elections laws. 

Ose is running against State Senator Tom McClintock in the Republican Primary for the 4th Congressional District to replace Rep. John Doolittle. 

“Placer County Republicans request an immediate investigation,” said Tom Hudson, chairman of the Placer County Republican Central Committee. “We believe that the Ose Campaign engaged in unfair campaign practices and violated federal election laws.”

According to the complaint, the Ose Campaign for Congress recently sent voters a direct mail piece that shows an illustration of opponent Tom McClintock that is both silly and demeaning.  The problem for Ose is the so-called ‘creative material’ is identical to the graphic artwork used against McClintock by then-opponent Dean Andal in the 2002 Republican Primary race for State Controller.  McNally-Temple & Associates is the consultant for both Doug Ose and Dean Andal, currently a GOP candidate for Congress in the 11th Congressional District.  Andal was not named in the complaint filed by Placer County Republicans. 

“The law is quite clear about proper reporting of contributions to political campaigns,” said Tom Hudson, chairman of the Placer County Central Committee. “Ose is a liberal millionaire who can afford to pay for new material.  Instead, Ose and his consultants recycled creative material from another candidate.  The question is, who paid for this work and why wasn’t it reported properly?”

“This item had value to Andal in 2002 and has obvious value to Ose in 2008,” said Hudson.  “That makes this an in-kind contribution that must be reported by Ose.” 

There are many questions that need review by the FEC.  Did Ose’s campaign and consultants get permission from the original owner of the material, Dean Andal, to use the recycled artwork from the 2002 race for State Controller?  In other words, did Andal approve an attack piece on McClintock?  Did Ose and his consultants properly disclose the in-kind contribution from the original owner of the artwork?

“Placer County Republicans believe that once Ose failed to report the contributions properly, Ose violated federal campaign laws.  We request an immediate investigation by the Federal Elections Commission,” Hudson said.    

Absentee voters will begin casting ballots for the June 3rd California Primary in 30 days.  “Time is of the essence,” he concluded.

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