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Mike Spence

Did your School Board vote to support tax increases?

 West Covina Unified did by a vote of 3-2. Although we have 5 Republicans on the board three (Jessica Shewmaker, George Fuller and Camie Poulos) voted to rubberstamp a resolution sponsored by the California School Boards Association. As you look at the resolution model, you will notice that there is no call for streamlining regulation, eliminating waste or even making sure money gets to the classroom just “new revenue sources”.

We all know that is the code word for tax increases. And there is a long list of them out there.

You also won’t find any linkage of the money with student achievement.

The Governor’s budget is a mess. Changes have to be made. The California Performance Review is a place to start, but more taxes won’t solve our problems.

In my early years on the board, the superintendent told me a third of administrative time was spent complying with regulations from the state. Recently a bureaucrat came to our district looked at our board policies and told us the order listed in the litany of protected classes in our non-discrimination clause was off and had to be re-arranged. Come on. There are better ways to use the money we already get.

Check your local school board and fight out if they voted to push for more taxes. (For the record Steve Cox and myself didn’t).

Cross Posted to Red County

6 Responses to “Did your School Board vote to support tax increases?”

  1. Says:

    Found this at

    Why is Mike Spence so angry about everything? The person who thought he would be Governor of the State of California by now and can’t even get off the local school board. Spence even lost his claim to fame when another person took the title of “Youngest Board Member” in WCUSD history. When he ran for the Water Board a few years ago, he spent more than $50,000, 10 times the amount of the other candidates combined and lost 2 to1.

    Mike Spence complains of how long time government employees are over paid when they retire. What does this fiscal conservative do – he uses the fact that when he was elected as a member of the school board he was covered under PERS. Spence takes a job for one year in state government at $89,000 per year so his pension goes from a few hundred dollars per year to tens of thousands of dollars per year. Spence continues to show his hyprocisy over and over. If Spence is complaining about it – he is probably doing it.

    Since Mike Spence has become the President of California Republican Assembly, membership has dropped to levels not seen in decades. Spence claims 10,000 members, but the total is closer to 2,000. Under Mike Spence’s leadership the California Republican Party has not won a single state wide race in which the CRA backed the candidate, except 1. Steve Poizner won the insurance commissioner race against Cruz Bustamonte. The CRA did not support Govenor Arnold. The CRA and CRP wonder why Arnie ignores them.

    Spence has held the elected position of Board Member in West Covina for 16 years, yet if not for the Charter School and political pressure, he would not let his own children attend school in the district he has run for 16 years. Mike Spence has openly advocated allowing “anyone” to carry a gun onto school grounds, including the same criminals he accuses other school board members of allowing to hold an elected position. Mike Spence was quoted in the LA Times as saying the school district in which he is elected has “no hungry children and if they do it is because the parents spent the welfare money they receive on drugs.”

    This is the same Mike Spence who voted against a bond to modernize schools in his district, but had no problem claiming how wonderful the outcome of the expenditures were for the school district during re-election campaigns. This is the same Mike Spence who was reprimanded by a Superior Court Judge in Los Angeles County for making false claims in court documents – another word for “telling” lies.

    Mike Spence names his daughter “Reagan” after, you guessed it Ronald. He wanted to name his son “George”, but a local official who Spence dislikes is named George. At least, he had the common sence not to pick Richard. He did not pick Dwight as the teachers union president has that first name. You know he could never pick Theodore, because he would be called “Ted” as in Kennedy. That left Herbert ”Great Depression” Hoover, Warren “Corruption” Harding, and Calvin “I am so boring” Coolidge. If he had picked Calvin everyone would probably ask “Where’s Hobbs” I am not sure why he did not pick William (McKinley/Taft) – they could call him Bill (Clinton), but enough of 20th Century Republican Presidents.

    Spence claimed in fundraising letters that the CTA was trying to take over the WCUSD. The only problem was one of the people he accused of being a “lacky” for the CTA – a candidate he was supporting. Again, this guy will say anything, except the truth.

    It is easy to tell when Mike Spence is factually challenged – he is either speaking or writing.

  2. Says:

    John Shewmaker tried to recall four members of the West Covina School Board and failed. He failed in at least two tries for office since then.

    What he doesn’t mention is that his daughter got elected to West Covina School Board and voted for the “increasing revenues” resolution about which Mike Spence wrote.

    Finally, I know he is factually wrong about CRA. CRA membership has grown under Mike Spence as President as has its effectiveness. Ask any Republican leader.

    The L.A. Times article and the quote Mr. Shewmaker says is not there. Check it out yourself. In addition, a quick search of court cases shows he has never reprimanded by a judge for “making false claims”. Who knows about the rest? But I have my doubts.

    I am glad that Mr. Shewmaker reads the site, but if he should be prepared to prove the kinds of claims that he makes, or imperil his standing as an approved commenter, which would limit his ability to use FlashReport to distract attention from his daughter’s votes.

  3. Says:

    The comments posted came from another blog. Contact that blog, thus not my statements. Please do not attribute them to me, as I did not make them, although I am aware of most of them.

    Regarding tax increases – asking for a stable and consistant source of funding for schools or any goverment activity is smart business. Eliminates the crazy budget cycles. Do you and Spence advocate we should have the same craziness we see today?

    Many conservative thinkers have stated they support flat taxes or other methods to stabilize revenues – does that mean they want tax increases?

    Using Spence’s logic that wanting to stabilize revenues means a tax increase, than any change to the tax rules to stabilize revenues is a tax increase – even becoming more efficient. Think about the logic – Republicans have shown that a tax cut increases revenue or taxes to the government. Is increasing revenues to the government a tax increase? Using the Spence logic we should raise taxes as revenues to the government decrease. Is that what you are saying?

    I did enjoy the slick way of attempting to divert the attention from the comments – just making the statement you can’t find them does not make them false, especially when they are true.

    I know for a fact the comments are true as Spence has even admitted he said them.

    I think the most reprehensible statement is Spence advocating anyone can carry guns on school grounds. Stated that in front of the City Council in response to a question from a council member. Spence admits he said it.

    When Spence ran for the water board he filed a lawsuit to have the incumbents ballot statement removed. One problem, Spence did not comply with the rules – court through it out and commented on the lack of following the rules. Web pages do not give every comment made by a judge in court, as neither do the published opinions.

    Also, when Spence ran for the Water Board a letter to the editor of the San Gabriel Tribune had those comments. Spence supporters in response did not say those comments were false – not a thing about the hungry children, guns, etc. They only attack as false the statement about his lack of attendence at Water Board meetings. Would not his supports claim all the statements were false? Neither did Spence. As stated above, he admits to the comments.

    Membership of the CRA – I have no idea. I do know Spence has said publicly that the number of members is not what has been stated – it is lower. Since you know the number – what is it?

    This site serves the public well. But, when you and others attack the messenger by making comments, such as, I can’t find anything, thus everything must be false does not serve the public. I would expect that from the mainstream media.

  4. Says:

    One final note – Is it not true that Mike Spence has taken a job for one year with the State of California. The same one year that will greatly increase his pension?

    Have not all conservative Republicans complained about this one year rule for other “public” employees and how it must be changed.

    Thus, if Spence is a man of honor he will insure he does not take advantge of the loophole. He will resign, at least, one day short of the year to keep his pension at the school board level.

    Spence talks about how others abuse the system – let us all see if is a man of action, or just words that apply to everyone, but him.

  5. Says:

    Let me explain why John Shewmaker is a liar. He posts things from one of 2 IP addresses on several websites. The poster gets them all. Why would the IP address on his comments match the other ones posted including comments he left on a blog with very similiar language he has on his. See John that is called evidence.

    John wants you to belive his tirade that includes attacking my daughter eventhough there is no evidence. He claims I have confirmed his untruths. Never have I confirmed any of his lies.

    His only evidecne for my quotes is a letter to the editor printed by what a lot people suspect to be a pseudonym for himself. John Shewmaker confirms his own attacks with John Shewmaker’s own words. Nice.

    Let take my “most reprehensible statement” about guns. I did speak at a West Covina City Council Meeting about concealed weapon permits. I cited a letter from a local police chief that told a mom applying for a permit because she was afraid at her school site. The letter said find a different school. To that is wrong, it is still wrong and I would say that again. But notice Shewmaker attacks me for something I didn’t say. (BTW an “anonymous” flyer was passed out misstating my postion. Wonder you did that?).

    Then he is mad when you ask for proof. Again It never happened much of what he says didn’t happen.

    As for CALPERS, I have a diiferent understanding of the Byzantine Rules. My understanding is I need three tears by my retirement age to really make it work. Resigning a day before won’t effect that. How long I work is a matter between me and my boss. We’ll see.

    His make beleve quote about hunger is false as well. I will send any one the article if they want them. Again that’s eveidence.

    His daughter voted for a resolution that wanted “increased revenue” that is different than a flat tax or some other excuse. I exposed that and he is claerly angry.

    I do ask John that you stop attacking my daughter, her name, her schooling etc… Stop attacking an 8 year old. That would be honorable.

  6. Says:

    Mike Spence, you can continue to make distortions all you want, but you and I know the truth. And you are not telling it.