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Meredith Turney

Confessions of a Homeschooled Blogger

In light of the Second District Court of Appeals decision last week, I feel it is my duty to publicly confess to my blog boss a deep, dark secret. Jon, when you hired me, I failed to disclose that I am the product of a “cloistered” education that failed to provide “interaction with people outside the family.” Astonishing, I know.

You see, I am a California homeschool graduate. My parents began homeschooling my brother and me when we arrived in California back in 1992. And as a homeschool graduate, I am deeply offended and troubled by Justice H. Walt Croskey’s opinion of those who are home educated. We are not “cloistered,” nor do we lack “interaction with people outside the family.” In fact, we are some of the most active citizens in our communities. While I was still homeschooling, I somehow managed to become the Orange County Republican Party’s volunteer of the month and a delegate to the Republican National Convention. Many of my homeschool friends have gone on to attend prestigious universities and lead very successful careers in government, law and business.

The real problem with this case is that it is a direct assault on parental rights to raise children according to their beliefs. This is the constant battle in the legislature and legal system: government elitism and authoritarianism versus personal freedom and responsibility.

According to Justice Croskey, only parents that possess “teaching credentials” should be allowed to instruct their children–as though government-issued credentials will automatically confer teaching ability on the holder. My mother (a registered nurse)  and father (a pharmacist) never held “teaching credentials,” but I think the fruit of their labor speaks for itself: a daughter who attended one of the most prestigious honor programs in the country and graduated with honors from her law school. And my family’s story is just one of millions from the national homeschool community.

Assemblyman Joel Anderson introduced a resolution this morning (below) that calls on the California Supreme Court to reverse this outrageous decision. I call on every freedom-loving member of the assembly and senate to co-sponsor this resolution. This issue goes far beyond home education; it’s a question of liberty versus tyranny. And as I was taught in my “home school,” our Founding Fathers established this nation on the fundamental belief that everyone (especially parents) has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Assembly Concurrent Resolution 115
Assemblyman Joel Anderson

WHEREAS, Some thirty years of experience with the modern homeschooling movement in California demonstrates that home school graduates take up responsible positions as parents, as students in and graduates of Colleges and Universities, in the workplace, and as citizens in society at large; and

WHEREAS, Homeschooling by California families with diverse backgrounds has historically given children a quality education through proven, independent approaches that nurture valuable family bonds and support successful student development; and

WHEREAS, private homeschooling has a long and rich history in the State of California, currently estimated as involving 200,000 students in the State of California, and 2,000,000 students nationwide; and

WHEREAS the United States Supreme Court has ruled that parents have a fundamental constitutional right to direct the education and upbringing of their children (Wisconsin v. Yoder, Pierce v. Society of Sisters, Meyer v. Nebraska); and

WHEREAS, On February 28, 2008, the Court of Appeals for the Second Appellate District in Los Angeles issued an opinion in the case of In Re: Rachel L. holding that homeschooling without a teaching credential is not legal; and

WHEREAS, This misguided interpretation denies California parents’ primary responsibility and right to determine the best place and manner of their own children’s education; and

WHEREAS, The fair opportunity of California families to educate their children should not be undermined; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, that the Legislature hereby calls upon the California Supreme Court to reverse the opinion.

RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.

2 Responses to “Confessions of a Homeschooled Blogger”

  1. Says:


    My deep, dark double secret is that I am a homeschool principal … meaning my daughter is “charter homeschooled” by my wife, the teacher. Additionally, however, Joel Anderson was best man at our wedding.

    Shall I expect CPS at my door soon?

  2. Says:

    Let’s not forget that the 2005 National Spelling Bee Champ was homeschooled…..