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Matthew J. Cunningham

241 Toll Road: You Can’t Serve Two Masters….Part 2

Several days ago, I posted about how LA-based public affairs powerhouse consulting firm Cerrell Associates is fighting the completion of the 241 toll road on behalf of one client — the California State Parks Association (CSPA) — while serving as media and public relations consultants to the pro-241 Southern California Association of Government (SCAG) to the tune of $250,000.

Besides the obvious question of a conflict of interest, it occurred to me at the time how this triangle creates an odd situation regarding media inquiries to SCAG about the 241.

After all, SCAG’s website lists a Mr. Jeff Lustgarten at Cerrell Associates as their contact for media inquiries. So if you are member of the media contacting SCAG about why they support completing the 241, you contact the PR agency that is trying to convince the public that completing the 241 is a bad idea.

The LA Times’ David Reyes had a story in Friday’s edition about SCAG’s warning letter about the serious consequences of failure to complete the 241 (long a component of SCAG’s Regional Transportation Plan). I don’t know if David dealt with Cerrell while writing his story, but it would have extra interesting if he’d been looking for an anti-241 quote from the CSPA, as well. Two quotes with one phone call.