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Jim Battin

Governor’s high-flying commute draws flak

The LA Times is at it again……attacking a green champion for no good reason!

In their article today, "Governor’s high-flying commute draws flak", they unfairly point out that even though the governor signed AB 32, he doesn’t seem to be living the life that bill mandates on the rest of us.

How dare they.  HE BUYS CARBON CREDITS!  So how can anyone criticize him!

The LA Times rages:

"Flying the Gulfstream and other jets the governor uses costs as much as $10,000 an hour. Some conservationists say Schwarzenegger is essentially attempting to buy a clean conscience with the carbon offsets, which cost about $43 an hour."

"He has been very bold on all these [environmental] initiatives, so it is sad to see him undercut that," said Denis Hayes, president of the Bullitt Foundation, a philanthropy that funds conservation efforts in Western states. "If you are going to be talking about an issue, you should be living the reality you are trying to embrace." 

"The governor’s Gulfstream jet does nearly as much damage to the environment in one hour as a small car does in a year, according to figures compiled by the Helium Report, an online publication for buyers of luxury items."

I just can’t believe it.  How dare they (did I already say that?  I’m sorry, I’m just so miffed)

Next thing we’ll see them profiling eco-champion Al Gore.  Then we’ll know they’ve gone too far!

The bottom line is if you buy carbon credits you can’t be criticized.  Period.  End of debate.

Leave me, Governor Schwarzenegger and Al Gore alone!

Hoping you have a sunny day,

Senator Carbon Credit