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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Deukmejian Appointee Rules Home Schooling Illegal

H. Walter Croksey, member of the Second District Court of Appeals, ruled today that homeschooling is not consistent with California Education Codes, subjecting parents of home schooled children to criminal penalty.  Read it here.  Unbelievable.

One Response to “Deukmejian Appointee Rules Home Schooling Illegal”

  1. Says:

    To paraphrase H. Walter Croksey: “All your kids are belong to us.”

    What California needs is a broad parental rights initiative to amend the California Constitution…one that doesn’t have any overly zealous “poison pill” language. Just something that says that parents have a right to raise their children according to their dictates and that parents have a right to know what happens to their children (especially when the state is involved).