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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Congratulations To Senator McCain

With his strong wins in Texas and Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont, Senator McCain has earned the delegates to be our Republican standard bearer for President.  Right now he is receiving the endorsement of President Bush, a true showing of Republican unity that will be critical this November.  President Bush is in a jovial mood, talking about how they’ve campaigned against each other and with each other over the years and that he will be back in Crawford with his feet up, while John is inside [the Oval Office] making the tough decisions.  He expressed great confidence in McCain’s ability to lead, and had a bit of fun with the press in the process.

My hats off to Senator McCain for hanging with it and picking himself up off the deck in the primary process and getting the job done.  Although I was with another candidate until soon after the Super Tuesday primary results, Senator McCain has and will act with honor as Commander In Chief, a very important distinction between he and whoever is his November Democrat opponent will be…critical for the future direction of our country and it’s affairs such as:

-Seeing through and honoring the success in Iraq and the war on terror, instead of the failure of withdrawal and the morale killing effect for our troops and nation.

-Supreme Court appointments, at least one likely in the next 4 years.

-Getting a handle on our border/immigration.  I gave him some points early on in the primaries
  when he declared that he had heard the American people on the issue and would work to get  true solutions to illegal immigration without amnesty.  One can move toward the right policy.

Of course there are many more positive reasons.  The bottom line is that now is the time for all Republicans to pull together in our goal to keep the White House.  President Bush and Senator McCain have put some bitter differences aside, and happily so, for the good of the country.  So too should all of the supporters of differing Republican primary candidates.  

Lastly, congrats also to all the McCain supporters who hung in there, some of whom I teased rather mercilessly, and are now enjoying payback!  Every election is even more important than the last one it seems.  The choices are very clear and distinct.   Lets make sure we’re successful this November.