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Barry Jantz

CD 52: Anderson to Make Major Announcement Tomorrow

Just in from team Anderson.  The phones and emails are abuzz in San Diego….

Anderson to Make Major Announcement Regarding 52nd Congressional District Race

San Diego–Tomorrow, March 5, 2008, Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) will hold a press conference making a major announcement regarding the 52nd Congressional District campaign.

The 77th Assembly District, represented by Assemblyman Anderson is within the 52nd Congressional District. The incumbent Congressman Duncan Hunter is not running for re-election

WHO: Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) and special guest

WHAT: Press Conference making major announcement regarding the 52nd Congressional District campaign

WHEN: Wednesday ~ March 5, 2008 ~ 11:00 AM

WHERE: The Brigantine Restaurant, 9350 Fuerte Drive, La Mesa