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Mike Spence

Run for Office: Get Control of the Party

I received quite a few emails about who controls the California Republican party. Many have mistaken uprisings and demonstrations with control. The main question people ask is how do can Conservatives get more control of the Party?

The short answer is run for office.

The next two weeks Republicans will be running for various Assembly, State Senate and Congressional races. Obviously in seats that are Republican there is little trouble filling those seats. However, those with heavy Democratic registrations face a different story. 
So why run in these long shot or impossible seats. There are several reasons.

Of course, you get free publicity. Newspapers do interviews with all the candidates. Any money that is raised goes to mail and sign raising your name identification. You can use this in local races.

You get to talk about issues you care about. In some district you can get Democrats to spend money against you. Campaigning helps GOP turnout.

And very importantly, if you are the nominee you get a seat on the local AND state central committees. If you get over registration you actually get to appoint people. The way districts are Gerry mandered two Assembly District that do better than registration can get more appointments than one elected Assembly Member. Not too shabby.

So contact your local registrar of voters and run! There is a filing fee that sometimes the county or the respective caucuses may pay. I know for assembly races you can email for some of that information.  But there is again a March 7 deadline.