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Duane Dichiara

Do You Like Electricity? I Do.

There’s a full-blown fight in San Diego between common sense and enviro extremists over a new San Diego Gas & Electric power line called the Sunrise Powerlink… a project thats been winding its way through the state approval process for more than two years.The project is a much needed power line that will help keep the lights on and import clean energy from solar, wind and geothermal projects in the Imperial Valley .This should be a no-brainer for the global warming crowd that’s been screaming for more green power.   Yea, right…that would require actual support for a piece of infrastructure that keeps our state moving forward. We’re about to enter the final rounds of this prize fight and its time to jump into the ring. The CA Public Utilities Commission will be in San Diego on Feb. 25 to hold a public hearing on the line.  Sierra Club will be looking for the knock-out punch…and we shouldn’t let that happen.For those of you who like the lights to turn on, you need to attend this hearing and speak in favor of the Sunrise Powerlink…before the greenies take full control of our energy future and candlelight is once again in vogue.

Sunrise Powerlink Hearing Details: 
Monday, Feb. 25 
1:30 pm 
County Administration Building 
1600 Pacific Highway
Downtown San Diego


For more information on the Sunrise Powerlink, visit 

One Response to “Do You Like Electricity? I Do.”

  1. Says:

    I dont know anything about the Sunrise Powerlink…but we have a similar situation in my community, in South Orange County.

    A “peaker plant” was scheduled to be constructed (without proper notification of residents) adjacent to a residential neighborhood. “Adjacent” meaning within 300 yards of homes.

    The majority of our community has signed a petition against it, has come out in droves to meetings to stop it..and as of now, it has been delayed (in part, because residents were not properly notified.)

    Sadly, our own State Senator, Dick Ackerman, has written a piece in support of the plant. He has never even attended a meeting with residents or addressed us to find out our concerns. I even wrote him a letter, and didnt even get the courtesy of a form response.

    It’s easy to call people “greenies” and such, but there are a number of VOTING, conservatives, who agree that we need power, but dont agree with the way that energy companies disregard the health of their consumers when making decisions about power facility placement.

    to read more, go to