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Jon Fleischman

What they are saying about the new Senate GOP Leader

What they are saying about the new Senate Republican Leader:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: 

I congratulate Senator Dave Cogdill on his election as leader of the Senate Republican caucus. I have had the pleasure of working with Senator Ackerman over the past three years and he has been a great leader for the people of California. I look forward to continuing this partnership with Senator Cogdill as he assumes this leadership role and working with him and all my Republican colleagues to tackle the important issues facing our state.

Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman:

A smooth and orderly transition of leadership is important during this time of budgetary challenges.  Dave’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, taxpayer protection and public safety clearly represent the values of the Senate Republican Caucus he was elected to lead.  I congratulate Senator Cogdill and look forward to working closely with him throughout the transition period.

Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines:

I congratulate my friend Senator Dave Cogdill for earning the trust and confidence of his Senate Republican colleagues and I am confident that he will be an outstanding leader for our party in his new role.  I also want to offer my best wishes to Dick Ackerman for a job well done as Republican Leader.  I look forward to working closely with Dave and Senate Republicans as we fight together for our shared principles, including cutting wasteful spending, reducing California’s massive budget deficit, rejecting higher taxes and keeping Californians safe.

California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring:

Senator Dave Cogdill is a strong advocate for putting Republican ideas into action in Sacramento.  As leader, I’m confident he will work diligently to protect taxpayers, promote an agenda of reform, and put government on the side of average Californians.

Being a strong Senate leader requires being solid on both policy and politics.  As we look to re-elect our Republican incumbents and make progress against the Democrats and their liberal allies, Senator Cogdill will bring a high level of tenacity, political savvy, and strength to this mission.

Senator Dick Ackerman deserves great credit for his leadership over the last several years.  He’s been a tireless advocate for Republican policies, and our Republican candidates in the field. 

And what does the Senate Republican Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill have to say?

I am both honored and humbled that my colleagues have chosen me to lead them.  We are a dynamic and unified caucus, and I look forward to working more closely with each and every one of our distinguished Senators.

While this is sure to be my most challenging job yet, particularly given the fiscal condition of the state, it is one that I am prepared to take on.  I am thankful that I have Senator Dick Ackerman here to teach me the ropes and help me get acclimated to my new position. 

I will work tirelessly to promote Republican principles while also fostering the relationships across the aisle that will make the Senate function at its optimum.  Republicans and Democrats must work together – that is clear to me.  I firmly believe that we can stay true to our principles and still find common ground in order to best serve the people of California, as we were all elected to do.