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Brandon Powers

Tim Morgan Will Save Us From What?

Did anyone see the latest email from RNC apologist Tim Morgan?

Morgan’s campaign is now claiming that Tim Morgan will save us from terrorists…yes, really.

Not only is that a stretch, but its completely laughable.  How does our national committeeman save us from terrorists?

Simple…he doesn’t.  He’s on the national RNC committee, not the National Security Council.

The truth is, California GOP congressional seats are in peril because the national committee continues to abandon our state.  So, more and more seats have been going Democratic as a result.

And, who has been signing checks at the National Committee, basically allowing this to happen?  The RNC Treasurer, of course.  And that’s Tim Morgan.

So, if we really want to do something about terrorists, lets elect more Republicans from California’s congressional seats. 

But, that would mean first sending a stronger advocate to the national committee – an advocate who doesn’t ‘go along to get along.’  And, an advocate who will ensure that California is no longer dead-last on the RNC’s state support funding list.

2 Responses to “Tim Morgan Will Save Us From What?”

  1. Says:

    Tim Morgan can concede now and save us from the trouble of having to vote on ousting him.

    Not much else he can do for us.

  2. Says:

    A lot of Republicans have just flat out stopped giving to the RNC. I’m one of them. I refuse to send them one dime until the border is secured. Since that won’t be happening with Bush still office and McCain set to be the nominee, the boycott will continue.

    Tim Morgan seems like he’s part of the problem at the RNC. It’s especially disheartning that he would take after Shawn Steel like he has.