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James V. Lacy

“An election of consequence,” report from CPAC

   I am at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. today and the report from the floor is no different from what viewers saw on FOX News in real time.   John McCain re-established his bona fides with conservatives today in a talk that went into detail, sometimes almost excrutiating detail (immigration!) on his policy positions, and on his professed commitment to the conservative political philosophy.

   McCain referred to Edmund Burke, "the Creator", and Ronald Reagan twice each during the speech to thunderous applause.  This was a CPAC speech, on the record, and a promise from a great American to advance our core principles in the presidency.

   And on issue after issue, McCain laid out his 24 year history of advancing our political philosophy.  I was especially impressed with his stalward pro-life position, and his enthusiastic support for actually "winning" the war in Iraq, despite MSM opposition to both positions.

   There is a lot going on here and I need a little shut-eye, but tomorrow I will have opportunities to enter the inner sanctums of the national conservartive movement and observe the "tenor of our times."   I promise to report a couple times on the inside scoop from conservative leaders on the impending McCain coronation.