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Jon Fleischman

The Melting of Fabian Nunez

Today was a great day.  While Don Perata and Fabian Nunez are not off of their imperial thrones just yet, their poltical capital in the State Capitol, with the failure of Prop. 93, as of today has diminished greatly.

On the Senate site, Senator Darrell Steinberg will replace Perata, but not until later this year.  On the Assembly side, they will have a vote for a new Speaker in March, who will replace Nunez after the legislative session.

Especially in the case of Fabian Nunez, the specific news on the timeline of his departure from the State Assembly is great to hear.  Now we know how the Winkies felt when they were excited and grateful when the wicked witch was doused with a bucket of water, and melted.

I can think of no better spectator sport this next few months than watching Fabian Nunez slowly melt…

Oh, is that Steve Poizner holding the bucket of water?

(h/t to the SacBee)