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Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Romney Wins THREE CA Congressional Districts

UPDATE 6:44AM – With more results in, it looks like Romney tripled his expected take, to NINE delegates.  In additional to CD 21 mentioned below, he has taken CD 3 (represented by Dan Lungren in Congress) and CD 52 (represented by Duncan Hunter in Congress).

So, congrats to these Romney delegates:

CD 3
Rob Stutzman
Kathleen Wood
Michael Wood

CD 52
Kelly Burt
James Davies
Tony Krvaric  (Tony is the Chairman of the San Diego County GOP)

Oh yeah, one last district MIGHT go for Romney — CD 42 (represented by Congressman Gary Miller).  Romney is losing to McCain by only 164 votes with well over 10% of the votes left to be counted…


It would appear that Mitt Romney will carry a grand total of THREE delegates from California.

By only a little more than 200 votes, Romney took a plurality of the 21st Congressional District, in the heart of the Central Valley, represented by U.S. Rep. Devin Nunez!

36.1% for Romney to 35.7% for McCain.

So congratulations to my fellow CRP Board Member, Regional Vice Chairman Laura Gadke who along with Gary Schultz and Kevin Cranney will be traveling to Minneapolis this Summer for the RNC Convention. 

I’m sure they’ll make some room for them on the Straight Talk Express.

Romney came VERY close in a few other districts, but this was the only actual win.

(I guess I should give the caveat that not all of the votes are counted, and Romney is pretty darned close in a few others seats… So… Stay tuned…)

3 Responses to “UPDATED: Romney Wins THREE CA Congressional Districts”

  1. Says:

    I think it’s a bit early for people to be calling their travel agents just yet…

    Sacramento ROV admits that they will not have an accurate count until Friday (in CA-03, JM leads MR by 1200 votes…same margin in CA-04).

    In CA-21, MR lead is down to 200…too close to call.

    Romney’s best showing appears to be CA-52 where he leads by 2000 (37% to 40%)…

  2. Says:

    Scratch my earlier report on CD-03, Sac ROV reports 100% counted with the results:
    JOHN MCCAIN 22,028 39.06
    MITT ROMNEY 22,001 39.01

    That’s right, 26 votes difference. And there are several hundred AB and provisional ballots left to be counted…

  3. Says:


    One more to watch…. District 49 (Rep. Darrell Issa, San Diego).

    McCain leads Romney there by 79 votes, with 53 precincts still
    to be counted.