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Tab Berg

McCain wins NJ, CN, and IL; Romney wins MA, Huckabee takes WV, AR, AL

With the early returns rolling in for Super-Tuesday, the race for the White House is reaching full steam.

In the Caucuses in West VA, Huckabee racked up 18 delegates (the balance will be awarded in the May Primary) and won his home state of Arkansas and in Alabama, which apportion their delegates 34 and 48 delegates respectively.

McCain posted wins in the winner-take-all states of New Jersey (52), Delaware (18) and Connecticut  (30) and leads in Illinois, which apportions its 70 GOP delegates.  McCain is also likely to win in NY (101) and Arizona (53).

Romney won his home state of MA, which apportions its 43 delegates; and is likely to win in Utah, CO, and North Dakota (apportioning 36, 46 and 26 delegates respectively).

Returns from winner-take-all states MT, MO and apportioned states CA, OK, GA, MN, TN and AK will continue to roll in (Alaska reports last for this round), so tons of delegates are still up for grabs.

The largest state in the Union has recieved unprecidented attention from both parties, that alone should revive the proposal for CA to apportion it’s Electoral Votes for the general election…

Here’s an interactive map to track elections & delegates in both the GOP and Democratic Primaries.

With the apportionment of delegates in so many States (including CA’s behemoth 173 delegates), we’re unlikely to know the exact delegates counts for a while yet…and given the growing acrimony between candidates in both parties, those next few days will be full of entertaining and energetic spin from every camp.