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Jon Fleischman

Sen. Hollingsworth’s for Romney

Just off the transom from conservative State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth:

"The stakes are high in California’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday. The race has come down to two individuals who represent a stark contrast for Republicans and for the future of our country and our party. One has consistently shunned conservative ideals and partnered with liberals to further their left-wing agendas and undercut the ideals we hold dear. The other has run a cam paign based on conservative principles; low taxes to stimulate a robust economy, a strong national defense to defeat the threat posed by radical Islamists, and the sanctity of our borders and national sovereignty. That candidate is Mitt Romney.

I am endorsing Governor Romney today because I believe he will recognize that it is conservatives and their support for the conservative campaign ideals he has espoused that will give him his victory in the race for president. Mitt Romney is the best candidate to take America to a prosperous, secure and brighter future based on the ideas and values he wants to put in place. I hope all California Republicans will unite around him this Tuesday and give him a big victory."