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Jon Fleischman

Presidential GOP Primary Tidbits – McCain rally in San Diego, and More…

  • Today Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Secretary of State Bill Jones will be in Gardena (yes, Gardena) making some GOTV calls for Senator John McCain (it’s a media event). 
  • McCain’s campaign this weekend touted the endorsements of some former California Governors — Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian.
  • Of course, while Arnold is campaigning for John McCain, his wife, Maria Shriver is supporting a different candidate.
  • San Diego County legislators are weighing in — Congressman Brian Bilbray and State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth endorsed Mitt Romney.  Congressman Darrell Issa endorsed John McCain.
  • Senator John McCain will be in California on election day, this Tuesday, and is holding a public rally at 12:30 p.m. by San Diego’s airport.  See the attached flyer for details.