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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Romney Steamrolls In Nevada

Following on the heels of the strong Michigan victory, the Mitt Romney campaign has leveled the field in Nevada.  With over 50% of the vote to himself, it shows the momentum is picking up.  The McCain third place effort in this Western state, behind Ron Paul, has to be a concern to that campaign. 

With 3 states won, the most Republican votes in all states, the most delegates accrued [59 for Mitt to 17 for McCain and 1 for Guiliani], Mitt Romney is fast becoming the conservative standard bearer for the Republican nomination.

3 Responses to “Romney Steamrolls In Nevada”

  1. Says:

    I thought in Nevada that none of the delegates were picked in the caucuses and that it was strictly a beauty contest.

  2. Says:

    That was beautiful that Ron Paul beat McCain next door to us. I have hope for California. It doesn’t get much better than that. Great job Nevada.

  3. Says:

    I agree Allan, perhaps we Westerners will recall our rugged, government-at arms-length roots and come out for Ron Paul rather than for the flock of establishment, big government conservative stooges the leaders of our party have embraced.