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Barry Jantz

Hunter Ends Presidential Bid

From Duncan Hunter….

We started this campaign a year ago right here, in San Diego Harbor, against the backdrop of American Naval power.   We launched a campaign emphasizing a strong national defense, enforceable borders and restoring  the industrial base of America. 

Today we end this campaign.  The Nevada caucuses reflecting only 2% of the vote for me.   I ran the campaign exactly the way I wanted to, and at this point not being able to gain traction in conservative states of Nevada and South Carolina, it’s time to allow our volunteers and supporters to focus on the campaigns that remain viable.
It’s time for me to gear up for 2008’s defense bill that will be put together over the coming weeks.  There is work to be done in the areas of troop protection and new capabilities to be deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. And over the horizon, the emergence of Communist China as a military super power will require a new emphasis on U.S. capabilities in undersea warfare, space, and long range air-power. 
The best way to maintain a new era of peace is for the U.S. to remain strong.  Over the coming year I will endeavor to help craft a defense bill that meets the new security challenges.
Since our campaign began over 200,000 additional manufacturing jobs have been lost.  1.8 million jobs have left the U.S. for China.  This fracturing of the U.S. industrial base is a long term threat to America.  I hope that the remaining candidates will recognize it and address it.   As the senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, I will seek to address it.
Only hours ago a border patrolman was killed in the California Desert.  This tragedy emphasizes more than ever the compelling case for the completion of the border fence.   Since I wrote the bill that mandates 854 miles of double border fence only a few miles have been constructed.  Over the next year in Congress I will do everything in my power to get that fence built.  
Finally, for Lynn and me, the campaign over the last year has shown us this: America is a wonderful country.   Our people have great character and goodness, and the meeting of new friends has enriched our lives. 
The failure of our campaign to gain traction is mine and mine alone.  But we have driven the issues of national security, the border fence, the emergence of China and the need to reverse bad trade policy.   Because of that, this campaign has been very worthwhile, and for the Hunter family, a lot of fun. 
To our friends and supporters and volunteers: many thanks.  And now it’s time for me to focus on developing a 2008 defense bill that serves our troops and our nation.  
Thanks, and God Bless America.
Duncan Hunter

4 Responses to “Hunter Ends Presidential Bid”

  1. Says:

    Congressman Hunter was my second choice. He’s an honorable man whom I respect. However, it’s a shame he didn’t choose this earlier in the week. He could have, seeing that he resigned himself to losses before the polls had even closed today. He could have endorsed another candidate and given that candidate a boost.

    That said, dropping out today gives Congressman Hunter plenty of time to file for re-election. Barry, is Congressman Hunter running for re-election?

  2. Says:

    Throughout all the years of public service, his honesty and integrity have remained. He has stated several times that he would not be running for re-election, as recently as last week in the U-T. I believe him, because I know all too well that he says what he means and means what he says.

  3. Says:

    I was introduced to Duncan Hunter’s politics through word of mouth.

    Noone can compete with old Hilary’s war chest, and the false goals of hilary, mitt and barack who support universal insurance and have insurance companies who are dying to underwrite new universal health care polities for uninsured people with government tax breaks and massive subsidies, etc… with taxpayer money.

    Noone could compete with the majority of campaign money which was spent by immigration lawyers, and advocates, who often using government money, are eager to expand government with jobs in health care that taxpayers will pay for,(and will put current workers out in the cold)

    No one could compete with the millions of dollars spent by immigration lawyers who are also eager to process millions of claims, for people who want to speed the process of getting their amnesty.

    As a journalist, it is hard to just stop the spin which bombards our senses, and causes ordinary people to lose sight of reason.

    Duncan is truly a great man, and a great politician, and what a lovely wife and son too.


  4. Says:

    I know Duncan Hunter, Duncan Hunter is a friend of mine, and these other guys running for President are no Duncan Hunter!
    Godspeed to one of the greatest San Diego patriots.