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Back From NH – More on Romney

I got back from New Hampshire last night and I am already planning my trips to Michigan and Nevada.  There is a special sense of excitement over the politics of other states, probably because CA politics are so familiar to me.

After Romney’s second place finish in New Hampshire on Tuesday, about 500 volunteers (mostly ‘maxed’ out donors and friends of Mitt who have raised big bucks for the campaign)  gathered at the Boston Convention Center  to try to bring in some needed campaign cash.  And we performed very well.

Yesterday the Romney Campaign announced that we raised about $5,000,000!

As usual we had a great time.  The campaign has volunteers catering to our every need, plenty of coffee and breakfast when we get there in the AM and lunch at Noon.  There are phones and laptop computers available and wireless Internet.  Photos of previous National Call Days flashing on big screens around the room.  It’s inspiring to see a photo of yourself and Mitt on the screen while you’re calling a friend and asking for a credit card number.

I don’t pretend to know for certain how this Republican Nomination will play out, but I do know for sure that Romney is not out of the running.  He in fact has more delegates than any other GOP candidate (24 to Huckabee’s 18) and has received more votes than other candidate.

I know Romney has the resources to keep in the game as long as he needs to.  I know that he is leading in the polls in Michigan and Nevada.

By the way, I welcome comments but want to make it clear that I am really not trying to spin–just recount my experiences with a bit of commentary.  I am clearly a Romney supporter.