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Carl Fogliani

Andal Scores Early Club for Growth Endorsement

With the announcement of John Doolittle’s retirement comes more bad news for Nancy Pelosi and House democrats.  Dean Andal, challenger to vulnerable democrat Jerry McNerney has received the endorsement of the Club for Growth which will guarantee an even heavier flow of financial resources into the 11th Congressional District.

Andal, in his time in the State Assembly and on the Board of Equalization, has crafted a strong pro-taxpayer record in favor of lower taxes and cutting wasteful government spending.  Just this week, Andal revealed at a meeting of the South San Joaquin Republican Club that he had raised over a half million dollars already for this race and is running hard on the economic issues of taxes and cutting wasteful spending.

Club for Growth President Pat Toomey had this to say about the race in his release announcing the Club’s support for Andal:

"Dean Andal has an impressive record on economic issues with the potential to be a superstar if elected to Congress.  His principled fight against wasteful government spending and his tireless work on behalf of taxpayers will be a vast improvement over Rep. McNerney.  While this race promises to be competitive, we are confident that taxpayers in California’s 11th Congressional District will prefer a strong defender of taxpayers to a Nancy Pelosi look-alike who cares more about special interests than the people he is supposed to represent."