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Jon Fleischman

Prison Guard Union Thumbs Nose At Nunez – Opposes Prop. 93

I just got a ‘heads up’ from Ryan Sherman who handles PR for the California Correctional Peace Officers Association — one of the biggest, most influential ($$$) public employee unions in California.

In what I would call a definate gun to the temple of big political head of Fabian Nunez, this major player in state politics just announced their official opposition to the Speaker’s term-limits extension ballot measure.

This represents yet another big plus for the opposition efforts to the "Big Lie Initiative" following the announcment last week that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner had written a $1.5 million check to aid in opposition efforts, and that was combined with a matching contribution of another $1.5 million from the U.S. Term Limits Committee.

Before any major efforts have been launched to expose the Nunez measure as a sham for self-serving politicians like Nunez, just the "word" getting around has caused the measure to plummet 10 points in the latest statewide poll, with now less than 50% of likely voters are supportive of the measure.

Ironically, most of the support currently for 93 comes from Republicans who think the measure strengthens term limits. As the "big lie" is dispelled statewide, prepare to watch 93’s numbers plummet further.

Mike Jimenez, President of the CCPOA said this (among others things) when making the announcement: "…this year’s legislative session has been remarkable for the leadership’s failures, not its accomplishments, on a wide range of issues. The current legislative leadership has repeatedly disappointed the people of California.  Proposition 93 is a cynical attempt to fool the voters and is simply bad public policy."

If you need to visualize for yourself what message is being sent to Speaker Nunez, we here at the FlashReport are pleased to provide you this 26 second video from one of our favorite movies — The Godfather…