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Matt Rexroad

November 4, 2008

One year from tonight we will have elected a new President of the United States, attempted to regain control of Congress, tried to pick up a few seats in the Legislature, and made decisions on several important local offices.

Are we ready?  Will we be ready?

If you are not implementing a plan to get to the place you need to be a year from now, you are not ready.

2 Responses to “November 4, 2008”

  1. Says:

    The San Gabriel Valley is ready for 2008!

    Tonight, the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club, Dr. Forest Tennant, Dr. David Hall and Mike Radlovic put together a smashing grassroots event held in Diamond Bar to support GOP local candidates running for Tuesday elections.

    The room was shoulder to shoulder and about 50 in attendance.

    We are ready to elect Republicans on Tuesday, then continue on as we head into 2008 Presidential Election Year.

    It was an exciting night for the local Republican activists!

  2. Says:

    I’m ready to contribute to Ron Paul’s campaign.