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Jill Buck

Great Job, Congressman Hunter!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you affected by the horrific fires today. I can’t turn the news off. Each time they mention another area ablaze, I can think of several of you that I know personally who live in those neighbors, and I’m really worried about you. Please take care, and check in when you can.

I saw Congressman Duncan Hunter on CNN today, announcing that he was able to get National Guard C-130’s dispatched to the state before the official State-to-White House request had even been processed. Now that’s what I call an advocate…way to go, Sir! (Of course, CNN praised him thoroughly…then swished him off the screen without ever mentioning that he is a Republican AND a Presidential candidate.) That’s alright, Congressman Hunter, you did a great job today, and I’m sure those air tankers are going to make a big difference; we’re proud of you!

Stay safe everyone. Many blessings.

2 Responses to “Great Job, Congressman Hunter!”

  1. Says:


    This is typical Duncan Hunter. He never cares about who gets the credit,
    only about getting things done.

    That’s how he unseated an 18-year Demo incumbent in 1980, and has
    been easily re-elected in San Diego’s east county area ever since.

    He served as an Army Ranger scout in Vietnam.

  2. Says:

    He really knows how to “lead from the front.” He’s a very, very good man.