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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: The Governor Does Good : Ridley-Thomas gets it on the chin.

Despite signing a rash of Nanny Bills with strong PC accents, the Governor slammed Mark Ridley-Thomas’s anti Chiropractic SB 801. 

For months Ridley-Thomas has been making reckless charges along with the incredible Sacramento Bee of some sort of disciplinary meltdown taking place at the Chiropractic Board. Like any good Liberal, Ridley-Thomas wanted to impose more regulations on a Board that has an outstanding reputation for disciplining bad doctors and protecting the public.  (See my previous posts on this here.)

Ridley-Thomas was trying to score points to humiliate the Governor.  Yes, Arnold did appoint two chiropractors to the Board. Which pays nothing, but means many hours of endless meetings. Both doctors are good men and are a credit to their profession. Chairman Dick Tyler DC, practices in the Sacramento area was Arnold’s first chiropractor when Arnold was competing. Franco Columbu DC, speaks three languages and who is the celebrities doctor in West Los Angeles, was Arnold’s best man at Arnold’s wedding. Seeking a cheap shot the Bee conjured stories from a discredited Board employee to make something out of nothing. 

**There is more – click the link**

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